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Types of Spirits: Part 2: The Water Spirits - uMdau

Writer's picture: Gogo_NomaGogo_Noma

Updated: Sep 16, 2020

"I find life in Water...
I find peace in Water....
I found myself in Water...
Ndawe 🙌🙌"
@Gogo Noma

Thokozani MaAfrika, Camangwini, Thobela, Lesedi, Ndawe, Greetings to all 🙌🙌

Friday is here, and it’s a Full Moon in the Lunar Eclipse of Sagittarius. This means its time to perform your Full Moon Release Ritual. The most exciting news for the day is of course the fact that class is on and we are learning with Noma. My name is Gogo Noma and welcome to the classroom where you learn with the educator. Today we continue to learn about Spirit.

Last week on Part 1 we looked at Isithunywa and our Blood Spirits. In today’s lesson we look at our non-blood Spirits also known as the Water Spirits – uMdau.

The Water Spirits are our non-lineage or “foreign” Spirits that possess Abangoma also known as the Thokoza Traditional Healers. This Spirits are related to us through commerce and conquest.


The Ndau people are found in the Southeast region of Africa. The word “Ndau” directly translates to “place” in the Ndau language. Today I am not going to go in too deep about the origins and history of the Ndau people, one day soon I will do a full blog on the Ndau tribe, today I will try to explain the Ndau Spirit that possess Abangoma.

Umdawu is an ancestral Spirit that possesses only those who have gone through the process of ukuthwasa, meaning they have first embraced their line ancestors’ gifts and are practicing ubongoma. With the latter statement in mind, please note one can and usually go through the initiation of the two spirits, i.e. uMnguni and uMdau at the same time.

The reason why we refer to them as the Water Spirits is because the Ndau people encounters with our forefathers go as far as the Zambezi river, which is where a lot of the Nguni and the Ndau people lost their lives in tribals wars.

Some of the Ndau people travelled to our villages in pursuit of trade and work. They then worked closely with our forefathers and were buried as one with our great-great grandfathers and grandmothers.

For others you might find that you are a decedent of the Ndau tribe. Due to this migration mentioned above, your original roots may be of the Ndau people. For an example, your great-great-great grandfather might have been one of the Ndau people who settled, married and died in South Africa.

And others are Ndau spirits that will just come and possess you through their relationships with your forefathers, either for their healing or to bring peace to their restless souls. It important to understand that there is no Spirit that will possess you without any connection to you, but it is vital for one to know the Ndau spirit that possess them, i.e. whether iDlozi lasekhaya or iDlozi langaphandle, and what contribution they bring to your gift.

The common signs that one may have Ndau Spirit include the following: (please note the MAY HAVE ,as context is very important)

· Dreaming of White or Indian or very dark foreign people, sometimes even speaking a foreign language in our dreams.

· Dreaming of clear waters

· Dreaming of water animals

· Having dreams or visions of snakes, usually big, but not being scared in their presence.

· Dreaming of masela a Badimo such as Njeti, Palo or any foreign cloths worn by people outside your "known" culture.

· Dreaming of being in water and waking up cold, as though you were really in water.

· Fear of Water.

· Physical signs:

o Female reproductive system problems for women include; Dysmenorrhoea (menstrual cramps), Menstrual cycles associated with the Full Moon, Recurring Uterine Myoma (Fibroids), etc, in general uterine problems that cannot be relieved by Western interventions and medicine.

o Both genders may experience waist and below waist problems such as the inability to stand or/and walk.

o Experiencing extreme thirst.

o Blurred eyesight, as if one is seeing through water.

o Headaches that are not relieved by analgesia (pain medication).

NB: The above physical signs and more is mostly experienced with little or no explanation from the Western Medicine theories.

The energy vibrations of the Ndau Spirit in your body affect your money, libido (sex drive), love relationships and fertility cycles.

Ndau Spirit diagnose and heal mainly by a process known as ukufemba. Those who thwasa/ parola uMdau also have to learn a little bit of the Ndau language.

There is so much ground to cover, and too many questions to answer regarding these Spirits. Please leave your comment or question below in the comment session, email me or follow me on my Facebook page and Instagram page to continue the conversation. Don't forget to visit my YouTube Channel and subscribe, new content coming soon. You don't want to miss out.

The aim of this blogs is to help you get a better understanding of yourself and seek spiritual guidance with some light in this journey. Please note and never forget that context is the most important thing in Spiritual guidance.

Join me next week as we discuss more about the Water Spirits and Abalozi.

You can communicate with me via email for topic suggestions and consultation bookings, both for physical and telephonic consultations.

NB: I do not attend to Facebook messenger, so please use email to communicate.

Please note: The login required to leave a comment is just to help notify me when you leave a comment, and notify you as soon as I place new content on the website, no fees attached.

My name is Noma, and this is Learning with Noma.

Thank you for joining the class, until next time….
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